Friday, December 1, 2006

7/10ths - Its a Big Blue Planet :)

You know I am amazed at the thought of Planet Earth. There is soooo much water and so much that remians unexplored that it really fascinates me. I heard a rumour that Plankton blooms that exist within the Oceans contribute 70% of all the worlds breathable O2, alot more than rainforests (but hey lets keep those as well!).

Some of the astouding creatures found within the depths of our oceans defy belief, in their structure they are so unique and bizarre, afterall this is the birthplace of all creation!

Take for example this little beauty the Dunkleosteus terrelli

You can read the full amazing discovery below:

Forget sharks! This creature 10m in Length and as fast as you like was the Number 1 Predator in the sea at its age (
Devonian Period)

Not bad eh? oh its bite had about 1/3rd the force of a T Rex! or twice that of a Great White

Now all form an orderely queue before leaving the water please :)

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